Eevee In Pokemon Ultra Moon
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"Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon" Eevee Development Guide
The Pokemon Visitor, Nintendo, and Game Freak (Fair Utilize)
Every bit y'all may already know, Eevee is the merely Pokémon that is capable of evolving into many different forms with a variety of elemental types. Currently, there are viii possible evolutionary forms of Eevee, and they are called "Eeveelutions."
Both Pokémon Ultra Lord's day and Ultra Moon feature the various Eeveelutions. This guide will explicate how players can obtain Eevee and evolve it into its Eeveelutions! Catch and evolve them all to go the all-time Pokémon master!
Everything Eevee Eeveelution
- How to Obtain an Eevee
- The Eevee Evolution Chart
- How to Evolve Eevee
- Flareon
- Jolteon
- Vaporeon
- Espeon
- Umbreon
- Glaceon
- Leafeon
- Sylveon
- Which Eeveelution Is Best?

Eevee is a Normal-type that can evolve into many dissimilar types of Pokémon.
1. How to Obtain an Eevee
Eevee is a Normal-type Pokémon. In guild to obtain Eevee in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, you have to visit the Paniola Nursery in Paniola Boondocks on Akala Island and talk to the woman behind the counter. She'll ask you if yous desire a Pokémon egg. Reply "Aye," and she will give you the egg. Walk with information technology for a while and it will eventually hatch into an Eevee.
Alternatively, you can go to Route 4 and Road 6 to grab a wild Eevee yourself, or trade with other players online at the Festival Plaza.
2. The Eevee Development Chart
Fire | Electric | H2o | Psychic | Dark | Water ice | Grass | Fairy |
Flareon | Jolteon | Vaporeon | Espeon | Umbreon | Glaceon | Leafeon | Sylveon |

Flareon is Eevee'south Fire-type evolutionary form.
3. How to Evolve Eevee
Evolve Eevee Into Flareon
Flareon is a Fire-blazon Pokémon. It'due south an extremely hot and fiery creature. When information technology hunts for nutrient, it makes certain that its prey is charred until it's well-done.
In order to evolve an Eevee into a Flareon, you will need to utilise a fire stone on your Eevee. You can find a burn stone in Diglett's Tunnel on Akala Island. Dig it upwardly with your pokémon at Island Aphun on Poké Pelago, or purchase it from the shop at Konikoni City on Akala Island for ₽three,000.

Jolteon is an Electric-type Eeveelution.
Evolve Eevee Into Jolteon
Jolteon is an Electrical-blazon Pokémon. Information technology'south a very speedy and electrifying creature. The cells in its torso are capable of generating copious amounts of electricity, and its needle-like fur amplifies the electricity to reach ability levels that are strong enough to create several mighty lightning bolts.
Y'all volition need to use a Thunder Stone on an Eevee in order to evolve it into a Jolteon. Y'all can obtain the stone by getting information technology from an old human on Route 9 on Akala Isle, dig it up with your Pokémon at Island Aphun on Poké Pelago, or purchase it from the shop at Konikoni City on Akala Island for ₽iii,000.

Vaporeon is a Water-blazon Eeveelution!
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Evolve Eevee Into Vaporeon
Vaporeon is a Water-type Pokémon. It'southward a marvelously fluid and adjustable fauna. Afterward undergoing a spontaneous mutation that immune it to grow fins and gills, it manifested the ability to control h2o and dwell inside information technology.
In order to evolve an Eevee into a Vaporeon, yous demand to use a water stone on it. Yous can find a water rock on the seaside surface area of Road 8 on Akala Island, dig it upward with your pokémon at Island Aphun on Poké Pelago, or purchase information technology from the shop at Konikoni Metropolis on Akala Island for ₽3,000.

Espeon is a Psychic-blazon Eeveelution that is strongly associated with the dominicus!
Evolve Eevee Into Espeon
Espeon is a Psychic-type Pokémon. Information technology's a dazzlingly elegant and intuitive animate being. The velvety fur on its torso surface acts as a conduit for its psychic powers. It is said that Espeons are very loyal to their chosen trainers. In fact, an Espeon's ability to predict the future is rumored to accept manifested because of its infallible loyalty and want to protect.
In order to evolve an Eevee into an Espeon, yous take to maximize its friendship levels with you and railroad train it solely during daytime hours. This pokémon is associated with the sunday, and so information technology is important that you lot train your Eevee during daylight hours to help it evolve into an Espeon.

Umbreon is a Dark-blazon Eeveelution.
Evolve Eevee Into Umbreon
Umbreon is a Dark-type Pokémon. It's a stylishly sleek and mysterious beast. Darkness and the moon'southward energy pulses aid Umbreon during its skirmishes. As a result, the ring patterns on its body glow when it strikes during the dead of the dark. When threatened, it can too spray deadly sweat from information technology pores.
In order to evolve an Eevee into an Umbreon, you have to maximize its friendship levels with you and railroad train it solely at night.

Glaceon is an Ice-type Eeveelution!
Evolve Eevee Into Glaceon
Glaceon is an Water ice-blazon Pokemon. It's an impressively cold and stoic animate being. Its power to freely command its own body temperature enables it to create ice out of the surrounding air. It then uses the ice it created as a tool for its sharp offense and rigid defence force.
In order to evolve an Eevee into a Glaceon, you will need to collaborate with the ice stone constitute at Mountain Lanakila on Ula'ula Island and level information technology up in the surrounding area. Alternatively, y'all tin can just requite your Eevee a rare candy after information technology touches the ice rock and that sequence of actions will enable your Eevee to evolve into a Glaceon.

Leafeon is a Grass-type Pokémon.
Evolve Eevee Into Leafeon
Leafeon is a Grass-type pokémon. Information technology's a superbly peaceful and sunny creature. Since it is leafy in advent and structure, it derives its sustenance from the lord's day. It purifies the air and leaves the surrounding environment in a pristine land everywhere it goes.
In order to evolve an Eevee into a Leafeon, you demand to interact with the moss rock that'south establish at Lush Jungle on Akala Island and level information technology up in the surrounding surface area. Alternatively, you can just requite your Eevee a rare candy after it touches the moss rock.

Sylveon is a Fairy-type Eeveelution.
Evolve Eevee Into Sylveon
Sylveon is a Fairy-type Pokémon. It's a majestically charismatic and calm creature. The ribbon-like feelers it possesses not just serve every bit an aesthetic particular to its charming personality, but also emit a soothing aura that wards off hostility and maliciousness.
In gild to evolve an eevee into a Sylveon, y'all have to increment its affection for you by ii levels and allow information technology to learn a Fairy-type move.
Which Eeveelution Is All-time?
As with all Pokémon, there isn't really a solid way to make up one's mind which Eeveelution is best because all Pokémon accept weaknesses and strengths, especially when it comes to battling. For example, a Flareon would virtually probable beat out a Leafeon in a battle because Grass-type Pokémon are weak against Burn-type Pokémon. However, Flareon would probably lose in a battle confronting a Vaporeon.
Determining which Eeveelution is all-time for yous really depends on your preferences and your personal in-game goals. However, if you've got your heart assail becoming an Eeveelution main, Bulbapedia has some smashing data to help a budding Eevee trainer navigate their Eeveelution goals.
Questions & Answers
Question: If I place a male Eevee in Nursery with a Ditto, which pokemon will the egg exist? I ask because the egg is said to take the course of the female.
Answer: Ditto cannot be hatched from an egg. Thus, the egg is going to be an Eevee no matter what.
Question: Are there going to be more Eeveelutions in Pokémon?
Answer: Maybe! Since there are lots of types to get around, there'southward a big gamble that they'll produce more Eeveelutions. For now, let'south simply keep our fingers crossed.
Question: Would yous choose Sylveon or Glaceon?
Respond: Personally, I would choose Sylveon.
Question: Is in that location a another Eevee evolution coming out soon?
Respond: None at the moment.
Question: How practice I evolve Eevee into Flareon in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon?
Answer: You can do this by using a Fire Stone on Eevee.
Question: If I identify a Sylveon with a Ditto, will their egg take a Sylveon or an Eevee?
Answer: It will always hatch into an Eevee.
Question: In your opinion, which is your favorite Eeveelution?
Answer: My favorite is Sylveon. Only stare into its optics and you'll understand. It may look innocent and all, but it has the power to demolish dragons! Cuteness has never been this deadly!
Question: Who practice you lot like more than, Leafeon or Vaporeon?
Answer: Personally, I find Leafeon libation and cuter than Vaporeon. Also, its type gives it overwhelming advantage confronting Vaporeon in a battle.
Question: How do you evolve Eeveelution Flareon to another Eeveelution?
Answer: You can't. Flareon is a final evolution. The simply Pokémon that you evolve into other Eeveelutions is an Eevee.
Question: How tin can yous go an Eevee egg?
Respond: Y'all can become eggs from the Paniola Ranch Pokémon Nursery on Akala Isle.
Question: How can you find an Eevee fast?
Answer: It'south the first egg you'll ever hatch in the game. You lot can arrive the Paniola Ranch Nursery. As for more than Eevees, you lot tin merely brood them or go to wonder merchandise to collect more than.
Question: Are y'all able to breed ii pokemon to go an Umbreon?
Reply: No. But leaving an Eevee, an Eeveeolution pokemon, and/or a ditto in the Paniola Ranch Nursery volition result in another Eevee--which, in plow, you could effort evolving into an Umbreon.
Question: What do y'all have to nickname Eevee to get Umbreon?
Answer: I think you are confusing Pokemon GO with Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. For Pokemon GO, you lot accept to nickname your Eevee "Tamao" to evolve it to an Umbreon. For Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, you lot take to train and level upward Eevee during the night to evolve information technology to an Umbreon.
Question: Can I get Sylveon past renaming an already evolved Eevee?
Answer: The answer is no.
Pug Pug on August 25, 2020:
I have Flareon, Leafeon, Jolteon and vaporeon.
This helped 'cause I had no idea how to evolve eevee to Sylvion, Umbron, Espeon or Glacion.
Thank you so much!
lefeon on August 23, 2020:
i prefer leafeon the rest is skilful EXEPT FOR SILVEON
silveon is disgusting
klebb pops on July 30, 2020:
Glaceon is the best eeveelution.
Ace on June 30, 2020:
I literally similar sylveon and I have 1 too..... And honestly saying my one knows physhock and with option specs it'due south quite unbeatable..... For steel types I approximate physhock is gonna work
Poison on May 21, 2020:
Vaporeon is by far the strongest, umbreon is the coolest.
SONICDASH on May x, 2020:
Took me a while to go along with my old Jolteon!!!
Ariandultranecrozma on March xviii, 2020:
I play on ds and I go an evee and I have all of the stones so I need seven more evee so I'm notwithstanding testing this out
Pokémon master on January ten, 2020:
I got my terminal ever evoulotion carte du jour yesterday
?? on October 17, 2019:
got a flareon 2 months ago
Poképerson on June 14, 2019:
Can I train Eevee at any point of the twenty-four hours before I hitting that maximum friendship level? Because I had it in my team when I had exp share on and now I've trained it both during the day and the nighttime.
Nathan&Leafeon on March 07, 2019:
PokéGirl you tin get espeon by leveling it up to lvl. thirty in the day, the alternative is umbreon who evolves in the nighttime at lvl. thirty
PokeGirl on June 14, 2018:
I have every eeveultion just ane Espeon
Derisive Kid (writer) from Galaxy on March 12, 2018:
@Ellis There is no level requirement for eevee. You only need to satisfy certain conditions.
Ellis on March 10, 2018:
What level does information technology usually evolve?
Bella Morgan on March 06, 2018:
This is so piece of cake to effigy out. It's so straight forward and like shooting fish in a barrel to understand. I love how they explained how to evolve them.
Nat on February 20, 2018:
Awesome and straight-forward.
Alexis on December 18, 2017:
Great and straight-forrard guide. I exercise feel that getting the eevee evolutions have gotten easier in some games.
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